Monday, November 07, 2005

Extreme English -- Assignment for Monday, November 7

Assignment for Monday, November 7:

(1) Please divide up the following 4 readings among the class. (Each reading should be read by at least one person; some readings will be read by more than one).

(2) Each student-- please record the following in your journal:
  • 8 specific facts about Vision Quests
  • 1 paragraph in which you connect ideas from your reading about vision quests to a solo experience we could do for this class.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Resume Writing Resources

BEGIN HERE (and read the note below): Online Resume Builder

Important note: You can save the resume you complete using the above Online Resume Builder by:
1. Dragging your browser over the resume, copying it, and pasting it into Microsoft Word.
2. Savin g the Microsoft Word document on the transfer drive.

Other resume resources:
Resume Tutor from University of Minnesota.

A second online resume builder (click on free trial)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Help with the College Admissions Essay

Sample questions, tips on writing an essay, and more can be found at:,3868,5-26-0-108,00.html

Senior English Assignment for Oct. 19 & 20

Trial draft of college admissions essay due Oct. 19 & 20.

I'm calling it a trial draft in an attempt to "lower the bar" a bit -- with the goal of getting everyone writing. Then, gradually, we'll raise the bar in the next few weeks.

In terms of topic, many colleges, including those in the UMaine system, leave it very open. The UMaine essay basically invites applicants "write an essay on a topic of your choice." Essays about memorable experiences or people who have been influential in student's lives are often successful. Good luck on this important assignment!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

AP English Assignments for October 9, 11

Points of View Short Story Project: Presentations are due on Tuesday. Be sure to check the project guidelines so that your presentation will meet all requirements. This presentation is also a chance to be creative and have fun.

College Admissions Essay: Bring an application to the college of your choice. We'll begin to talk about what college admissions people are looking for in your essay -- and will formulate some strategies for success.

Resume: If you have written a resume in the past, bring a copy to class. Otherwise you'll be asked to write one from scratch.

Independent Reading: 200 pages (or more) due by the end of the quarter. When you finish a book, bring it in to class and request a conference.

English 12 -- Assignments for October 11, 12.

Language & Power Project: Reports and presentations are due when your class meeets on Oct. 11 or 12. Be sure to refer to the rubric and check your report for completeness before printing the final draft.

College Admissions Essay: Bring an application to the college of your choice. We'll begin to talk about what college admissions people are looking for in your essay -- and will formulate some strategies for success.

Resume: If you have written a resume in the past, bring a copy to class. Otherwise you'll be asked to write one from scratch.

Independent Reading: 200 pages (or more) due by the end of the quarter. Please complete a log entry on your reading for Oct. 11, 12.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Welcome Class of 2006!

Thanks for visiting the official blog of Senior English at Searsport District High School! This space will be updated weekly (and sometimes daily) with information on English 12, Extreme English, and AP English. Included will be assignments, projects, and links to helpful web resources. Add a comment to this post and receive extra credit (be sure to include your name). Note: You can post as an "anonymous user" and then just click on "login and publish." (No actual login is needed). Good luck this year!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Photography Research Project:

Visit the Masters of Photography: website and choose one of the photographers to focus on. (Be sure no one else in class has chosen the same photographer).

Monday, April 11, 2005

English Assignments for Week of April 11

1. Complete conference worksheet for drafts of genre pieces (1 sheet serves for entire set of drafts)
2. Submit research notes and cover sheet (if you have not already done so).
3. Complete draft of critical review. You have 2 choices in researching and organizing your critical review: (a) compare what various reviewers have said about your book. Include your own opinion and provide evidence from the text to support it. (Editorial reviews on are a good starting place for this). (b) compare how different sources have interpreted a person or event. For example, a Barry Bonds fan site might have a very different interpretation of his 73 home run season than a magazine article on steroid abuse among professional athletes. The aim of this style of review is to dig up something controversial about your subject and discuss the different opinions about it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

English 12 & AP English Assignments for Week of March 28

During the first 40 minutes of class, please complete and submit the following. (All work can be placed in the basket on my desk).

• Biography conference sheet
• Genre piece planning sheet
• Draft of a first genre piece based on one of the events in their biographies

During the second 40 minutes of class, please go to the library and continue to work on the above OR continue to research topics related to your biography.

The following are due at the end of class on Friday:
• Independent reading conferences
• Draft of 2nd genre piece.

Extra credit to any student who posts a signed comment in response to this post. (Just let me know that you've been here).

Photography Assignment for 3-29-05

Following are a list of topics for a "mini-research" project. Please spend today taking notes and saving sample photos and be prepared to present your mini-research on Thursday. Each topic should be covered by at least one person. If there are more students than topics, some students may work in groups of 2.

1. Research one of the following topics by clicking on the link:
2. Take notes on the topic -- get 10 - 12 useful facts. When given a choice, aim for facts that are understandable and not too technical.
3. If you do not get enough facts from the original link on, do a Google search for your topic.
4. Create a subfolder in "Your Name O" on the Viking Drive. In this folder save 5 to 10 photos that illustrate important things about your topic. (You will show these photos to the class).
5. Good luck / have fun / learn lots!

1. Use of Light
2. Portrait photography
3. Gardens
4. Exterior Architecture
5. Interior architecture
6. Sports & Action Photography
7. Nature Photography
8. Good photography with a Point & Shoot Camera

Monday, March 14, 2005

More Cartoons

Assignments for Monday, March 21

Be ready to present your Hamlet project to the class.

Continue to read your biography & plan to complete reading by March 28. We'll do some writing about your biographies during the week of March 21, so you should have read at least 50 to 100 pages by then. A few biography links you may want to visit:

Reading Strategies: Biography

Useful resource: