Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Hamlet Resources

Hamlet -- Full Text online

Enjoying "Hamlet" 

Shakespeare Resource Center

Hamlet: The Undiscovered Country


Dr. Seuss Does Hamlet: Fox in Socks, Prince of Denmark

HAMLET: The Song (from Prarie Home Companion)

Hamlet Discussion Questions

Hamlet Journal Templates (This is a backup; we will complete in Classroom)
Click here for the Hamlet Act I Journal template.
Click here for the Hamlet, Act II Journal template.

Then copy and paste the template to your favorite word processing program.  Then save it as a document.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, Dec. 18 -- Day 68 of 90

Jane Eyre & Bean Trees Socio-Historical Essay
     --Essay Rubric
     --Essay timetable:
          -Tuesday, Jan. 2:  draft of 4 body paragraphs
          -Thursday, Jan. 4:  draft 6 - 8 body paragraphs
          -Friday, Jan. 5:  completed draft including introduction and closing
          -Tuesday, Jan. 9: revised draft
          -Thursday, Jan. 11: final draft

" A social historical critical approach to literature seeks to understand the text based on the cultural and historical events taking place at the time it was written."
Reminder:  body paragraphs should be developed as follows:
1. topic sentence  
2. lead-in to textual evidence 1 
3. textual evidence 1 
4. commentary 
5. transition and lead-in to textual evidence 2 
6. textual evidence 2 
7. commentary 
8. concluding or clincher sentence 

In order to provide convincing evidence of a theme, multiple examples must be provided!
--The Importance of Historical Context (skip down to section, "Historical Context in Literature"
The role and status of women:
--"Jane Eyre and 19th Century Women" (text & video)
--"The Bean Trees:  Feminism and Solidarity Among Women" 
Poverty, mobility, & Social class:
--"Class Attitudes in The Westminster Review and Jane Eyre"
--The Bean Trees Quotes
--New York Times Book Review:  The Bean Trees

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Which Jane Eyre Character are You?

Take the quiz here

For extra points, take the survey a 2nd time for your teacher or another class member and see if the character you come up with matches theirs.

A Jeopardy Game featuring questions on Jane Eyre is here.

Wednesday, Dec. 15 -- Day 65 of 90.

Literary Devices in Rime of the Ancient Mariner -- Google Classroom

Rime of the Ancient Mariner -- Study Guide Questions

Jane Eyre -- Read & work on Double-entry journal

Assignment for Thursday:
--Complete Jane Eyre.  Be ready for short quiz on main characters and main events.
--Complete D-E Journal; 20 entries due.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Plan for Thurs., Dec. 7 -- Day 61 of 84

AP Lit. Terms Quiz 

Rime of the Ancient Mariner  (read to line 130 on Thursday)
--Text with Audio & Study Questions
--Dynamos Rime of the Ancient Mariner Themes incl. "Great Chain of Being"

Have you ever done something stupid and known it was stupid at the time? 
If you have, then you can relate to the narrator of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

allegory: a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.  2.  a symbolical narrative: the allegory of Piers Plowman.

temporal: 1. of or relating to time.
2.pertaining to or concerned with the present life or this world; worldly: temporal joys.
3. enduring for a time only; temporary; transitory (opposed to eternal ).

liminal: 1. relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
2. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

Assignment:  Read Jane Eyre, chapts, 25 - 26 for Friday.
Read Jane Eyre, chapts, 27 - 28 for Monday.
Read Jane Eyre, chapts, 29- 31 for Tuesday.
Read Jane Eyre, chapts, 32 - 34 for Wednesday.
Read Jane Eyre, chapts, 35 - 38 for Thursday.  Plan for a quiz on Thursday!

Friday, December 01, 2017

Assignment for Monday, Dec. 4 -- Day 58 of 84

  • Read Jane Eyre, Chapts. 19 & 20.
  • Mark two more places for later use in your double-entry journal.
  • Write a draft of a sonnet on a topic of your choice.  Work out the rhyme scheme and rhythm as best you can.  Then go back over it and add alliteration, assonance, consonance, imagery, and a title.