Check in / Schedule Conferences as needed:
--Personal Essay (due Wednesday)
--Tragic Characters Comparison Essay (due Thursday)
Intro to
The Bean Trees
--Reading Assignments
- Chapts. 1 - 2 -- due Tuesday, Nov. 6
- Chapts. 3 - 4 -- due Wednesday
- Chapts. 5 - 6 -- due Thursday
- Chapts. 7 - 8 -- due Monday, Nov. 13
- Chapts. 9 - 10 -- due Tuesday
- Chapts 11 - 12 -- due Wednesday
- Chapts. 13 - 14 -- due Thursday
- Chapts. 15 - 17 -- due Friday
--Double-entry Journal: You are asked to keep a double-entry journal of 4 - 6 entries for each set of two chapters. The left column of each entry is a quote or a paraphrase. The right column is your analysis. Analysis may take the form of comments, connections, predictions, or questions. Connections may take the form of (a) a personal connection; relating the excerpt to personal experience or observation; (b) a connection to another text; or (c) a connection to the world.
(aka "text to self;" "text to text;" "text to world" connections.) Include a page number with each entry..
Shakespeare, "Sonnet 97" & PAWS