Wednesday, Feb. 14:
--Print and submit Summary & Response Essay #2 (include D-E journal)
--Choose article for Response Essay #3.
A candidate for article #3 is here. Another is here. Other New York Times Opinion Pieces are here.
--Divide into teams and debate thesis of article. (Annotate article, create mind map)
Thursday, Feb. 15:
--Continue debate, if needed
--Additional annotations
--Complete double-entry journal (optional) and summary (required.)
--Begin writing response
Friday, Feb. 16:
--Continue drafting summary & response to article #3
--Assignment: Write first 1.5+ pages of response.
Monday, Feb. 26:
--Read pp. 80 - 82 ("Writing a Conclusion") in handbook
--Discuss strategies for introductions & conclusions
--Look at sample introductions & conclusions
--Writing Workshop: Develop & Revise Response Essay #3
Tuesday, Feb. 27:
--Summary & Response Essay #3 (3 pp. plus, summary & response) Due at start of class.