- Bibliography final edits: capitalization and italics.
- Portfolio 2 assignment sheet (handout). Portfolio 2 is due Wednesday, May 1.
- Plagiarism and how to avoid it.
- Paraphrasing Practice (handout)
- Brainstorm ideas for note making
- Review of text, pp. 353 - 359 (thesis, focused research, note-taking)
- Discuss organizing the structure of the essay
- Work on completing Stakeholder Analysis
- Completed Stakeholder Analysis chart (on Classroom)
Assignment for Wednesday, April 4
- Create an informal outline of your essay (on Classroom) [Sample Outline]
- Continue note-taking phase of research. Complete your first 5 note cards or record your first 5 "chunks" of information. This, ideally, should be a mix of paraphrased information and quotes.
- Read “Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Sources” pp. 399-403. Read “Integrating Source Material into your Writing” pp. 404-408. Read “Synthesizing Sources” pp. 408-413 .
- Begin writing your essay. Draft at least the introduction (define the issue, include necessary background information, indicate why it’s important to the audience, include your research question). Sample essays are here.
--Cartoon from Wikimedia Commons via Creative Commons.