Monday, February 12, 2007

Literacy 9 Assignment for Monday, Feb. 12

Today, I'd like you to use the Literacy 9 class as follows:

(1) first 40 minutes of class -- online computer critical thinking challenges, including some really fun ones. See below.
(2) next 30 minutes of class -- silent independent reading.
(3) last 10 minutes of class. Write and submit a recap of (a) what computer challenges you attempted / what you learned, and also (b) what you read about during the independent reading period. This "recap" should be 1/2 page or more in length and should be submitted to the basket on my desk.

Online critical thinking challenges:

1. Growth of Knowledge in your lifetime
2. Missionaries and Cannibals
3. Wolf, Sheep, and Cabbage
4. Vocabulary Challenge

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