Monday, January 24, 2011

English 12 -- Exam Essay Question

For those who still need to complete the essay portion of the midyear exam, the essay prompt is below:

Part 3:  Hamlet   (33%)                        

Write about a Scene:  Write a 4 paragraph essay in which you discuss the importance of one scene in the play -- and how Shakespeare uses that scene to add to the overall effect of the play.  Your introductory paragraph should include a thesis that introduces 3 main ways the scene is important.  Each body paragraph should provide supporting detail from the text in terms of one of the 3 aspects you are discussing.  (Suggested aspects of literature you might discuss -- choose 3 -- include plot, characterization, theme, mood, irony, symbolism.

(S 1, 2, 3) Meets: Presents plausible well-supported interpretation.  Includes 3 distinct arguments, each supported with detail from the text.  Effectively organizes elements of essay. Exceeds: All of meets, plus:  Examples are well-chosen, specific, and are discussed in detail.  Discussion shows originality and insight.  More than 3 arguments may be included.

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