Monday, February 25, 2013

Hamlet Project

The steps of the project include:
1. Choose a partner.
2. Choose a theme.
3. Collect 5 quotes on your theme & save them to a word document.
4. Write a statement that explains and interprets each quote.  (The statement should explain in a general sense what the quote might add to our understanding of the theme; it should not be specific to the play and its characters).
5. Choose an image to go with each quote & statement.
6. Put quotes, statements, and images together in the form of a slideshow, prezi, poster, or other.
7. Present to the class.

The full text of Hamlet is here.  You can locate quotes with your theme by using the "Command F."

The rubric for the project is here.

"There is the story of the woman who read Hamlet for the first time and said, 
'I don’t see why people admire that play so. It is nothing but a bunch of quotations 
strung together.'”             –Issac Asimov, Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare

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