Monday, April 07, 2014

Write a 5-minute Poem to Kick Start Your Week

Use this site to create your own list poem based on your biography:

  • A list poem may appear random but it is not
  • The poem should end with something surprising, insightful, or important.  One way to do this is to move from the literal to the figurative (see example poem below).
  • Once you have made your initial list, consider re-arranging the order of the items.  Also consider adding more detail.  Use precise and concrete language as much as possible.  Provide your reader with a clear image of what you see.
Sample below:

What’s in the canoe
a sharpened axe with a battered wooden handle
a weathered tent green with mold
a bag of pea flour
a plug of tobacco
three long poles with metal boots
four damp wool blankets
a refusal to turn back
a lot of heart 

--based on the book Great Heart:  History of a Labrador Adventure

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