Tuesday, February 24, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Thursday, Feb. 26

During class:
  • Discuss final essay assignment sheet
  • reverse outline of response
  • additional discussion about parts of an essay as needed
  • grammar work
  • look at samples of effective essays
  • talk about deciding which summary/response essay you want to revise & polish for Portfolio I.
 Homework due Monday, March 2:
1. Choose one summary/response essay to revise and polish for Portfolio I.  Revise this summary/response essay to the best of your ability. This revised draft will then go through a self/peer/teacher critique process.
2. We will be working with your summary/response essays in class.  A copy of this essay will be passed in to me at the end of class.
3. (Read “Concluding Paragraphs” pages 77-78 in the handbook.)  We will do this during class on Monday. We will also look at the sample essay (passed out in class today) on Monday.

Monday, February 23, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Tuesday, February 24

Class time:
 --Return Facebook summaries & responses. Comments & goals.
--Intro. to course calendar (see forum)
--Identify main ideas in "College's Priceless Value"
--Review MEAL Plan --Strategy for responding: read article comments and respond on forum --Additional work with evidence as needed
--Peer review of summaries (time permitting).

Homework due Thursday, Feb. 26
1. Make necessary revisions to your summary of the “College's Priceless Value” article. It will be helpful to re-read the article.
2. Create a double entry journal with at least 3 reasons why you agree or disagree with the article. Refer to specific points made in the article and then provide your reaction noting whether you agree or disagree and why. Bring this to class. 
3. Follow your summary with a response to the article. Your response should include a thesis statement saying whether you agree/disagree, or both, with the main idea(s) of the article. State specifically with what points you are agreeing/disagreeing. Be sure your paragraphs begin with clear and specific topic sentences. Back up your points with specific evidence. Your summary/response essay should be roughly 3 pages in length. Bring this to class. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Friday, Feb. 13

Class time:

Homework due Tuesday, February 24:
Write a summary of the article, "College's Priceless value."  Prior to writing your summary, annotate the article.  Also create an outline of the article in which you list the main ideas.  Bring the annotated article, outline, and summary to class on the Tuesday after vacation.  (Your double-entry journal and 2.5 page response to article #3 will be due the Thursday after vacation.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Wednesday, Feb. 11

Class time: Revisit “Facebook” article; MEAL Plan 1; MEAL Plan 2 (including sample paragraphs); exercises to begin planning a response to the article; additional work with evidence as needed; peer review of summaries time permitting.
Unfinished from previous class -- side-shadowing; writing a response; review double-entry journal.  Intro to Eng 101 page.

Homework due Friday, Feb. 13:
1. Make necessary revisions to your summary of “Facebook” article.  It will be helpful to re-read the article.
2.  Follow your summary with a response to the article.  Your response should include a thesis statement saying whether you agree/disagree, or both, with the main idea(s) of the article.  State specifically with what points you are agreeing/disagreeing.  Be sure your paragraphs begin with clear and specific topic sentences.  Back up your points with specific evidence.  Your summary/Response essay should be roughly 3 pages in length.  Bring this to class.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Monday, Feb. 9

Class time:
  • Discuss response writing
  • discuss editing versus revising
  • discuss thesis statements
  • side shadow the responses you brought with you, looking specifically at evidence
  • discuss double entry journals.
Homework due Wednesday, Feb. 11:
1.  Read Chapter 3 in the handbook “Using a Thesis to Shape Your Material” pages 29-36 AND read Chapter 5 “Writing Paragraphs” pages 64-73 in the handbook. 

2.  Read “Facebook Threatens to Zuck Up the Human Race.”   Complete exercise 3.3 (“outlining,” see page 36) in the handbook, using the Facebook article.  In other words, you will first create an outline of the article.  Then you will write a summary of the article.  Bring both to class.

3.  Create a double entry journal with at least 3 reasons why you agree or disagree with the article.  Refer to specific points made in the article and then provide your reaction noting whether you agree or disagree and why.  Bring this to class.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

English 101 -- Plan for Thursday, Feb. 5

Class time:

Homework due Monday, Feb. 9:
1.  Revise your summary of the article.  Be sure to re-read the article and look at the sample summary provided.  Bring your original and your revision (stapled together, new version on top) to class.  I will collect both the summary draft and revision.
2.  Write a personal response to the article.  You should be agreeing or disagreeing (or both) with the main idea(s) in the article.  This is a rough draft and should be 1 ½ to 2 pages.  Bring this to class.  We will talk more about response writing in class.