Thursday, October 18, 2018

Assignment for Friday, Oct. 18

1. Complete the Tragic Character Venn diagram if you have not already done so.
2. Spend 20 minutes skimming the resources below.  This should help you sharpen your focus, clarify your purpose, and begin to think through ways to organize your essay:

for Sharpening Your Focus:
on Tragedy, Fate, Fatal Flaw, Hubris . . . 

You will be writing an expository essay.  For help with Essay Format:
Purdue Owl:  Expository Essay
" . . . Expository Essay vs. Persuasive Essay" (Pen and Pad)

Organization Patterns for a Compare/Contrast Essay from SJSU
How to Write a Comparative Analysis from Harvard College Writing Center

3. Spend 5 minutes re-reading the essay prompt (click here if you don't have a paper copy)

4. Create a draft outline for your Tragic Character Essay.  This should include the names of two tragic characters and the literary elements you will be discussing.  There are several possible ways to organize this type of essay -- and there are advantages to each.  Which makes the most sense to you?

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